Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Theology of Girls

Dear Young Ladies,

This world will say you must fight to get what you want.  I believe God wants us to "fight" in a different way.  We don't fight the way the world fights.  Ephesians 6:12 says:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

All this means is, we fight in prayer and with the word of God!

In this time of BLM, Antifa, feminists shaking their fists at the cameras, shaking their rear ends at the camera on Snapchat, Instagram, etc., young ladies need to determine if this is the kind of weapon they want to yield or if God's way is better.

God says that women of noble character are worth far more than rubies.  Can you imagine that?  In Proverbs 31, we are given a glimpse at a Godly woman.  I know that this chapter has been overused to some extent as the example of the perfect woman, but let's take a look at it closely.  I believe that if we aspire to please God, we will always be on the right path. You can't go wrong.

A godly young woman is not a doormat who sits idly at home filing her nails or waiting for her prince charming.  No, she is a woman of action.  In Proverbs 31, it says she works eagerly, she gets up early, she buys and sells, she speaks wisdom, not foolishness.  Her charm is not her beauty but her "fear of the Lord".  This "fear" means deep respect and honor.  You see, her charm is not being pretty, it is her heart for the Lord.

In this video, the pastor discusses, "The Theology of Girls".  I know it may seem a little long, but he will say many important things about young ladies and women of God.  Please don't get offended.  He speaks a lot of truth.  

When he speaks about a young lady being "polished", please remember that he is referring to character more than looks!!

Just remember, Jesus values women highly.  In the days when Jesus walked the earth, women were treated as second class citizens, but with Him, women had equal value with men.  

We don't act like men, but we are equal to men.  Our God-given traits are different than men, but we each have a role to play.  

Dear young ladies, I urge you to research these scriptures.  They will help you to see the traits we can possess to honor God:

1 Corinthians 9:27
Thessalonians 4:3
Romans 13:14

With love,


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