Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Mary, Blessed Mother of Jesus


Hello dear ones!  I was just reflecting on how precious the story of Christ's birth as described in Luke 2 is.  So many miraculous twists when you really delve into the scriptures and the cultural nuances of the day.

Think of little Mary, probably a teenager, but of marrying age in those times.  She was betrothed to Joseph but was not married when an angel, Gabriel, appeared to her to tell her of her fate.  That she would be the Mother of the Messiah, Jesus Christ!  Can you imagine how frightened you would be?  First, just the angel's presence must have been awesome, then the news, then the fear sets in.  What would this mean to her family, what would happen to her, would she be stoned for pregnancy out of wedlock?  Would Satan himself fight against her because she was carrying the Son of God?  

Yet, this young woman's response was, "I am the Lord's Servant."  She accepted fearfully but joyfully because she was a faithful follower of her Lord God.

It is easy to read these scripture verses and not let the magnitude of what took place sink in.  Think about it, the Jews were waiting on their Messiah to be born or to come based on prophecies in the Book of Daniel as to the timing of His arrival.  You would think the Jews would have accepted that Jesus was the fulfillment of these prophecies, but then again, think how we would react today.  If someone came forward and claimed that they were pregnant and would give birth to the Messiah, how would we react?  I can understand the doubt in their minds, but God also supernaturally provided proof that Jesus was the King of Kings upon His arrival.  The miraculous Bethlehem Star shining and guiding the wise men and seen by many others, including shepherds in the field.  Jesus was still not accepted...yet.

Fast forward to His ministry at the age of 33, and the performing of miracles, healing of lepers, blind, and mute, the casting out of demons, and they still didn't believe.  It is like a veil had been placed over their eyes in order that they could not see Jesus for who He truly was.  Yet, those who did accept Him had no doubt in their minds as they walked with Him and witnessed His life.  They knew in their hearts who He was!

Then, at the time of His death, many more eyes were opened, but not all.  Some still doubted that He was the Messiah.  Then he appeared again to His disciples and walked with them.  Many more believed.

Today, we have the choice to accept Jesus by faith.  Not a blind faith, but a faith based on many eye-witness accounts from those who lived with Him and died for their faith.  These followers would not have risked their lives the way they did, if they did not know He was the Messiah.

The same is true today!  Those who truly walk with Jesus and surrender to Him, know in their heart of hearts that He lives and changes the lives of those who trust Him.

I pray that during this Christmas season, you will reflect on Jesus and His miraculous story and draw closer to Him!

Many blessings,


Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 Hello dear ones!  I haven't posted in a while, and I'm sorry for that.  You know how the days can pass so quickly and time just gets away from you.

I was reading in Proverbs, and this verse jumped out at me.  

Proverbs 3: 5-8  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil.  It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones.

Do you realize how true this is in our lives?  The key here is to ACKNOWLEDGE Him.  So many young people (and old) are afraid to acknowledge Jesus for fear of ridicule or being left out.

If we realize we need Him, we acknowledge Him, even if we fear losing friends and maybe even family, He will direct our paths.  What could be better than the God of the universe directing our path of life?  

I'm sure you have friends who think they are too smart to accept Jesus, but as it says in this verse, "do not be wise in your own eyes".  There are things in this universe that are too high for us to understand.  Pure and simple, humans only have partial knowledge, even though many think themselves so intelligent, they pale in comparison to God.  

If we fear the Lord and depart from evil, we will have a healthy well-balanced soul.  We will be able to endure all things through Jesus.  This verse even says we will have physical health.  That our bodies (flesh and bones) will be full of health.  Wow, God is truly able to do this for us IF...we only submit to Him and stop thinking we can do it on our own.  S U R R E N D E the key.  Surrender every part of your life to Him and just see what He can do.  It isn't easy, but it is worth it!

I love you and I pray for all whose paths I will cross through this blog!  Be blessed!

