Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Mary, Blessed Mother of Jesus


Hello dear ones!  I was just reflecting on how precious the story of Christ's birth as described in Luke 2 is.  So many miraculous twists when you really delve into the scriptures and the cultural nuances of the day.

Think of little Mary, probably a teenager, but of marrying age in those times.  She was betrothed to Joseph but was not married when an angel, Gabriel, appeared to her to tell her of her fate.  That she would be the Mother of the Messiah, Jesus Christ!  Can you imagine how frightened you would be?  First, just the angel's presence must have been awesome, then the news, then the fear sets in.  What would this mean to her family, what would happen to her, would she be stoned for pregnancy out of wedlock?  Would Satan himself fight against her because she was carrying the Son of God?  

Yet, this young woman's response was, "I am the Lord's Servant."  She accepted fearfully but joyfully because she was a faithful follower of her Lord God.

It is easy to read these scripture verses and not let the magnitude of what took place sink in.  Think about it, the Jews were waiting on their Messiah to be born or to come based on prophecies in the Book of Daniel as to the timing of His arrival.  You would think the Jews would have accepted that Jesus was the fulfillment of these prophecies, but then again, think how we would react today.  If someone came forward and claimed that they were pregnant and would give birth to the Messiah, how would we react?  I can understand the doubt in their minds, but God also supernaturally provided proof that Jesus was the King of Kings upon His arrival.  The miraculous Bethlehem Star shining and guiding the wise men and seen by many others, including shepherds in the field.  Jesus was still not accepted...yet.

Fast forward to His ministry at the age of 33, and the performing of miracles, healing of lepers, blind, and mute, the casting out of demons, and they still didn't believe.  It is like a veil had been placed over their eyes in order that they could not see Jesus for who He truly was.  Yet, those who did accept Him had no doubt in their minds as they walked with Him and witnessed His life.  They knew in their hearts who He was!

Then, at the time of His death, many more eyes were opened, but not all.  Some still doubted that He was the Messiah.  Then he appeared again to His disciples and walked with them.  Many more believed.

Today, we have the choice to accept Jesus by faith.  Not a blind faith, but a faith based on many eye-witness accounts from those who lived with Him and died for their faith.  These followers would not have risked their lives the way they did, if they did not know He was the Messiah.

The same is true today!  Those who truly walk with Jesus and surrender to Him, know in their heart of hearts that He lives and changes the lives of those who trust Him.

I pray that during this Christmas season, you will reflect on Jesus and His miraculous story and draw closer to Him!

Many blessings,


Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 Hello dear ones!  I haven't posted in a while, and I'm sorry for that.  You know how the days can pass so quickly and time just gets away from you.

I was reading in Proverbs, and this verse jumped out at me.  

Proverbs 3: 5-8  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil.  It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones.

Do you realize how true this is in our lives?  The key here is to ACKNOWLEDGE Him.  So many young people (and old) are afraid to acknowledge Jesus for fear of ridicule or being left out.

If we realize we need Him, we acknowledge Him, even if we fear losing friends and maybe even family, He will direct our paths.  What could be better than the God of the universe directing our path of life?  

I'm sure you have friends who think they are too smart to accept Jesus, but as it says in this verse, "do not be wise in your own eyes".  There are things in this universe that are too high for us to understand.  Pure and simple, humans only have partial knowledge, even though many think themselves so intelligent, they pale in comparison to God.  

If we fear the Lord and depart from evil, we will have a healthy well-balanced soul.  We will be able to endure all things through Jesus.  This verse even says we will have physical health.  That our bodies (flesh and bones) will be full of health.  Wow, God is truly able to do this for us IF...we only submit to Him and stop thinking we can do it on our own.  S U R R E N D E the key.  Surrender every part of your life to Him and just see what He can do.  It isn't easy, but it is worth it!

I love you and I pray for all whose paths I will cross through this blog!  Be blessed!



Thursday, October 29, 2020

A Talented Girl

 Hello to all the young ladies who will run across this blog!  

My wish is that you will see your value in the eyes of God and from a different perspective than that of the world.  

The world may consider a young lady accomplished who is highly educated, musically talented or can speak multiple languages, and while there is absolutely nothing wrong with these things, it will not be your highest calling during your life.

I know if you are young, you're not really thinking about the days of marriage and motherhood, and many a young woman reaches this time in their life with absolutely no skills to do it well.  Much time is spent preparing a young woman to make money and be a careerwoman, but little to no time spent on teaching her skills in making a home or caring for those in it.

It is so very important that you become a "talented girl" in the area of caring for the home, others and yourself.  There will come a time when a clean and orderly home will be important to the well being of everyone under your domain.  You will need skills in the simple tasks of everyday life:  how to clean a floor, vacuum, launder clothes, plan a meal and cook it.  Now, early in your life, would be a great time to learn these skills and it would be a great help to your parents.

If you happen to live in a home where it is disorderly and chaotic, you could bring much needed calm and peace to the atmosphere by offering help in cooking and cleaning.  There are many books and videos on YouTube on how to clean various rooms, etc.  They are actually fun to watch, and I have learned a lot watching them.

You will also need to learn how to care for others, parents, children, and pets.  Everything that lives in the same home with you will need someone to care for them.  We must do this well!  It is fun to nurture your home as you peacefully go along cleaning and meditating on the goodness of God, being thankful for the roof over your head and the many blessings you have been given.

Even if your home life is not currently as you would like it to be due to some strife in your household (parents or siblings that fight, disarray or other dysfunction), you can make the atmosphere better by providing a cheerful outlook and attitude for others to see.  You may never know how you impact others with a cheerful nature, but many years down the road, others may remember you as a blessing and a light to the world.

This crazy world we live in needs young girls and women who want to be different, who long for the old paths.  Paths that are tried and true and have brought happiness and joy to those who have chosen them.  Let Jesus guide you on the path of true joy, and don't let this world tear you down, thought it may try.  

Psalm 2:12 says:  "Blessed are all who take refuge in Him."  

Him refers to Jesus.  We all want to be blessed.  It means to a favor or gift from God.  God's favor on you!  

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Peace Which Jesus Promises


Hello!  I've been wanting to write a post about the love of Jesus!  I don't think that any of us can truly grasp the magnitude of His love for us.  If we could, everything would be different.  

I was watching a show called, Miracles Around Us, and in the the show, they were interviewing people who had near death experiences, and each and every one said the same thing.  They were all believers in Christ, and all mentioned a peace and a love that was overwhelming.  One man actually said he looked into Jesus' eyes, and they were violet colored.  The Bible does say that his eyes are darker than wine, so I did a quick study of the various translations.  Some said, duller than wine, but that is not what the original Hebrew version said, It said in Genesis 49:12, "His eyes are darker than wine, and His teeth are whiter than milk."

Those being interviewed all shared that they didn't want to leave His presence.  Just think of it, we will be in the presence of Jesus if we are Christ followers!  That is so very enthralling to me.  Nothing that has happened to us on this earth will matter then.  

That's what I want to tell you today.  No matter how impossible it may seem, how disheartened you are, this is just for a short time.  We can endure anything on this earth with the help of Jesus.  No pain is too great to bear, no heartache to intense that we cannot overcome it through Him. Jesus said the following in the Book of John:

John 16:33 - “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

What this means to me is that we can expect this world and the world system to hurt us because it is a fallen place, but in Christ, we can endure or "take heart" because He has overcome everything that could possibly happen to us during this lifetime.

Nothing compares to the presence of Jesus, and when we meet Him face to face, we will have all the peace and joy that we can imagine.  We will live with Him in eternity and there will be no more death, no more crying, no more pain.  That gives me hope for today.  I can endure and have joy (the peace that comes from a relationship with Christ) even in the midst of tribulation.

Keep your eyes on Jesus when you are going through a hard time.  Just lean into Him, and you will overcome.  We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus (Romans 8:37).

I love this song by Kari Jobe.  Watch it closely and really listen to the words.  He is for us, and He is good!



Wednesday, September 9, 2020

In Defense of Noble Womanhood


Good afternoon dear ones!  I was thinking about how many different roads we can take in life.  If you are a young woman or girl, the thoughts can be overwhelming.  So many choices!  Which one is the right one for me?  I believe there are often roads that can be chosen that may be out of the norm for society today BUT....would ultimately create the best lives for us.  

One such life choice is discussed in the excerpt below from a wonderful book, Queen of the Home, which was compiled and edited by Jennifer M. McBride.  There is a lot of wisdom shared in this book from a wide array of authors.  I hope you enjoy this chapter below titled, "In Defense of Noble Womanhood" by Rebecca Belcher Morecraft:

For generations our culture has chosen to believe the lie that women and men should be considered "equal" in every way.  We can date this fabrication back at least to the Woman's Suffragette Movement of the early 1900's, if not all the way back to Eve who chose to believe Satan rather than God.  The separate roles God created in the beginning for each sex have largely been forgotten in modern times and substituted with a false idea of equality that in no way resembles God's original plan when He created woman from the rib of man and arranged for future humans to spring from the womb of woman, thus establishing a healthy "co-dependency" for the continuance of life.

Those who adhere to the world's ideas about womanhood point an accusing finger at stay-at-home woman who more than 1.5 children and no outside job.  They believe the "old fashioned" wife and mother is "stuck" at home.  Surely she must be discontented and ashamed of her plight in life.  Their view from the wrong end of the telescope without the filtering lens of the Scriptures and read with unregenerate eyes, seems forlorn indeed.  Apparently, her husband, though hardworking, is unsympathetic to her needs.  He is often gone eight hours or more a day and only comes home to eat, sleep and father more children, it would seem.  Her children obviously suck her dry by constant demands on her time and energy, until, alas, she can no longer fit the image of the successful woman of the times.

Just look at her!  Her once slim, shapely figure is now sagging and stippled with broken veins.  Her beautiful face, once radiant with the dew of youth, is now lined with care.  Her once luxuriant hair has thinned and grayed.  She no longer possesses boundless energy--her quick step has slowed to a determined pace.  Although she is always combed and clean, her fashion sense seems stuck in a time warp with an emphasis on femininity and modesty.  Clearly she is neglected and miserable and has no sense of "self-worth"!

Will she ever be able to break loose from this bondage and run free, prove her "true worth" and usefulness as she dresses in power suits and seductive fashions, becomes head of a corporation and makes men grovel?  Only then will she gain respect from the world and perhaps make an appearance on Oprah to tell all about her struggles to the sympathetic thousands who will run to the nearest bookstore to buy her book.  So says the world.

Observe true satisfaction!  In contrast to the worldly-wise woman who is "ever learning, but never coming to a knowledge of the truth," examine the woman whose heart mind and body belong to Jesus.  See the smile that curves the lips of the woman who writes "homemaker" on questionnaires as she watches her children grow into spiritually mature, productive adults who carry eternal values they have learned from her into the future.  How blessed is that woman whose home is full of the joyous chaos of many children!

Attest to radiant beauty as you see a life blessed by satisfaction in her noble calling as wife and mother!  Full of kindness and grace, such a woman is an adornment to her husband.  Place her on a pedestal, young women, rather than those who manipulative whining and self-centered priorities may have coerced the lifestyle they crave to falsely beautify themselves but has brought them no satisfaction.  The Christ-centered woman is able to walk with poise amongst the most elegantly attired, though her countenance is more sober than many.  The beauty of holiness shines through the window of her eyes from a heart full of gratitude for God's grace and softened by griefs bravely borne.  A deep contrition for her own sinfulness, coupled with the joy that flows from sins forgiven, radiates from her and blesses all who know her.

Attend to true wisdom!  She holds in light regard all the things but those that possess eternal value.  Her perspectives and priorities, shaped by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God, inform and beautify her life's callings.  She daily increases her scope of learning because she knows that all the truth, goodness and beauty reflect her Creator/Redeemer.  She learns what her gifts are and develops them to the further benefit of her husband, children and the kingdom of Christ.  Her choices and goals are not self-directed but Christ-directed as she seeks to do all to the glory of God.  His Word informs and directs her behavior, her goals, and her conversation.  She is dependable and consistent as she finds her focus each day, not in herself or others, but in Christ and His wisdom.

Mark true strength!  She makes her arms strong physically by taking care of herself for the sake of Christ, her husband and children.  In all humility, she recognizes that she has no strength in and of herself.  Her core of endurance comes from her reliance on God who carries her through the trials of life and empowers her with His strength in her times of weakness.  She smiles at the future, not because of her preparation alone, but because she trusts her strong Redeemer, Jehovah Jireh, to continue to supply her needs and those of her family as He ordains from His storehouse of riches in glory.

Learn sincere compassion.  She is full of patience and compassion for those still walking in darkness as well as for her little ones who will learn love at her knee.  She knows how and when to speak, with plainness and kindness, and can be patiently quiet.  Heedless of scorn and disdain from those around her who do not know her Lord, she persists in rightly dividing the Word of Truth so that she will be ready with answers for those who ask, being bold as a lion and gentle as a dove.  The law of kindness is always on her tongue.  Her thoughtfulness and kindness of speech decorate her with such light and warmth that those who are cast about in a cold and heartless world may safely come to her to be warmed and fed.  To be with her is to be nourished.

Stand amazed by her accomplishments!  Her husband's love enobles her.  She seeks no higher calling that to be his companion and helper.  Her children, who rise up and bless her, are of unquestioned righteous character, reflecting her teachings in their lives.  Together, she and her husband shot their children into the future, confident that the God who planned their lives before the foundations of the earth was laid, will keep and use them as sharp arrows to pierce the hearts of His enemies and bring great increase to His Kingdom on earth.

The attractions of this world and those who devote their lives to obtaining them will pass off the scene and be replaced with the next generation's empty schemes, but the woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.  Her works will follow her, not her credit, nor would she have it so, but to the praise of His glorious grace Who holds her heart captive and makes her life count.

This is the woman after God's own heart.  Although as sinners we will never attain to the perfections of God's goals for us as women, we can know the contentment and deep joy that comes from His grace abounding as we lay down our lives every day for those God has placed around us to serve.  May we do all that God has called and gifted us to do for His glory alone.

Learn the ways of the godly woman described in Proverbs 31 by King Lemuel's mother and imitate her; for only then will you experience the nobility which God intended for you since long before you were created.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A Girl Worth Choosing

1 Peter 3: 3-4

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

Good afternoon dear ones!   I love this scripture and often read it and think, how can I have a gentle and quiet spirit?  I believe that as we give our lives over to the Lord, He refines us into what He would like us to be.  This verse says that a gentle and quiet spirit is of great worth in God's sight, so if we are living for Him, He will help you to have the right spirit.

In this day where outward adornment seems to be the most important thing for many, this verse can be challenging.  In light of selfies and the social media craze, everyone wants to look their best, even if it is fake and not representative of who we truly are.  There is a better way.

Yes, we want to look our best, and there is nothing wrong with styling your hair and wearing nice (and modest) clothing, but it must not become a matter of attention-getting and pride.  This verse is telling us that what is really important is our spirit.  What is inside us, in our heart.

Have you ever seen a lady who radiates beauty from within?  She has a glow and confidence that only comes from a relationship with Christ.  She has dignity and is not going to compromise in order to please others.  Whether it be in the way she dresses, cares for herself or speaks, she always aspires to do what is right so that she can be blameless in God's sight.  There is no beauty that is more magnificent than this.  

Just remember, anytime you make up your mind that God is able to help you achieve the goals you set in life, the world is going to put pressure on you to compromise.  Maybe, you decide to dress more modestly, then a friend comes along and tells you it's weird to worry about that kind of thing. decide to keep your chastity until marriage, and a friend tells you that is old fashioned.  This is when you have to muster all of your courage and be an example to your friends.  Stand your ground as it pertains to your character and integrity, and they will respect you for it. 

It isn't easy, and sometimes you have to be the outcast for a while, but in the long run, people will see your good behavior and want to know what's different about you.  That is something most people are seeking and don't even know it.  So, stand firm in your convictions (a firmly held belief or opinion) and ALWAYS follow what Christ wants for your life.  

You will never be disappointed!

FYI:  If you're looking for cute modest outfits, Pinterest has so many.  Just type in "Modest Clothing" in the search bar or even "Apostolic Outfits".  These tend to be long skirts, but so cute.

Many blessings,



Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Theology of Girls

Dear Young Ladies,

This world will say you must fight to get what you want.  I believe God wants us to "fight" in a different way.  We don't fight the way the world fights.  Ephesians 6:12 says:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

All this means is, we fight in prayer and with the word of God!

In this time of BLM, Antifa, feminists shaking their fists at the cameras, shaking their rear ends at the camera on Snapchat, Instagram, etc., young ladies need to determine if this is the kind of weapon they want to yield or if God's way is better.

God says that women of noble character are worth far more than rubies.  Can you imagine that?  In Proverbs 31, we are given a glimpse at a Godly woman.  I know that this chapter has been overused to some extent as the example of the perfect woman, but let's take a look at it closely.  I believe that if we aspire to please God, we will always be on the right path. You can't go wrong.

A godly young woman is not a doormat who sits idly at home filing her nails or waiting for her prince charming.  No, she is a woman of action.  In Proverbs 31, it says she works eagerly, she gets up early, she buys and sells, she speaks wisdom, not foolishness.  Her charm is not her beauty but her "fear of the Lord".  This "fear" means deep respect and honor.  You see, her charm is not being pretty, it is her heart for the Lord.

In this video, the pastor discusses, "The Theology of Girls".  I know it may seem a little long, but he will say many important things about young ladies and women of God.  Please don't get offended.  He speaks a lot of truth.  

When he speaks about a young lady being "polished", please remember that he is referring to character more than looks!!

Just remember, Jesus values women highly.  In the days when Jesus walked the earth, women were treated as second class citizens, but with Him, women had equal value with men.  

We don't act like men, but we are equal to men.  Our God-given traits are different than men, but we each have a role to play.  

Dear young ladies, I urge you to research these scriptures.  They will help you to see the traits we can possess to honor God:

1 Corinthians 9:27
Thessalonians 4:3
Romans 13:14

With love,
