Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Peace Which Jesus Promises


Hello!  I've been wanting to write a post about the love of Jesus!  I don't think that any of us can truly grasp the magnitude of His love for us.  If we could, everything would be different.  

I was watching a show called, Miracles Around Us, and in the the show, they were interviewing people who had near death experiences, and each and every one said the same thing.  They were all believers in Christ, and all mentioned a peace and a love that was overwhelming.  One man actually said he looked into Jesus' eyes, and they were violet colored.  The Bible does say that his eyes are darker than wine, so I did a quick study of the various translations.  Some said, duller than wine, but that is not what the original Hebrew version said, It said in Genesis 49:12, "His eyes are darker than wine, and His teeth are whiter than milk."

Those being interviewed all shared that they didn't want to leave His presence.  Just think of it, we will be in the presence of Jesus if we are Christ followers!  That is so very enthralling to me.  Nothing that has happened to us on this earth will matter then.  

That's what I want to tell you today.  No matter how impossible it may seem, how disheartened you are, this is just for a short time.  We can endure anything on this earth with the help of Jesus.  No pain is too great to bear, no heartache to intense that we cannot overcome it through Him. Jesus said the following in the Book of John:

John 16:33 - “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

What this means to me is that we can expect this world and the world system to hurt us because it is a fallen place, but in Christ, we can endure or "take heart" because He has overcome everything that could possibly happen to us during this lifetime.

Nothing compares to the presence of Jesus, and when we meet Him face to face, we will have all the peace and joy that we can imagine.  We will live with Him in eternity and there will be no more death, no more crying, no more pain.  That gives me hope for today.  I can endure and have joy (the peace that comes from a relationship with Christ) even in the midst of tribulation.

Keep your eyes on Jesus when you are going through a hard time.  Just lean into Him, and you will overcome.  We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus (Romans 8:37).

I love this song by Kari Jobe.  Watch it closely and really listen to the words.  He is for us, and He is good!



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